Gets an array of point objects that satisfy the query criteria
The response body is of type PointsGetResponse.
The collection of points that satify the query.
The results of the points get query.
Points : Array[CimPoint]
An array of the points that satify the query criteria.
AttributeSet : string
string indicating the Attribute set to be used for the point. Defaults to the empty string when creating a new point.
DataLen : integer
is a read-only integer that contains the length of the data. The value is configured by setting the Point Type ID
DeadBand : string
is a variant with a string representation of 10 characters or less. Larger values will be rejected. Enter a value defining the tolerance for alarm conditions in this field. The deadband cushions the generation of alarms when a point value fluctuates at an alarm limit. Defaults to the empty string for new points. To remove the deadband set it to an empty string (e.g. "".)
DerivedPoint : CimDerivedPoint
Contains the properties pertaining to Derived Point Configuration
InitValue : string
is string containing the initial value for the point.
Local : boolean
is boolean indicating if the point is local. Local points can be used to hold intermediate values of expressions. The value of local points are not available to applications, they are only used internally by the derived point process to perform calculations.
PointExpression : string
is string containing the expression for the point.
PointSetInterval : string
is string containing the interval to update the timer counter point. The format is HH:MM:SS using a 24 hour clock.
PointSetTime : string
is string containing the start time for the timer counter point. The format is HH:MM:SS using a 24 hour clock
ProcessID : string
is a string specifying the derived point process supporting this point. Normally this will be 'SPM' or '_PTDP_RP'. This must identify a valid derived point processor process ID. It should not be changed unless you are using structure point processing
ResetPointID : string
is a string containing the name of the reset point.
RolloverVal : integer
is a long integer defining the roll over value for delta accumulator function.
VarianceValue : integer
is long integer defining the maximum variance value to be used for delta accumulator functions.
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Description : string
is a mixed case string of 40 characters or less. Longer strings will be automatically truncated. Descriptions also appear as the tool-tip for the point when browsing or configuring points. Defaults to the empty string when creating a new point.
DevicePoint : CimDevicePoint
object contains the device information for a CIMPLICITY point.
Address : string
is a string indicating the device specific address of the point
AddressOffset : integer
is an integer indicating the address offset of the point. Typically used for addressing a boolean point in an analog domain
AnalogDeadband : string
is an variant containing the analog deadband for the point. The point will not be updated until a change that exceeds the deadband is read.
DelayLoad : boolean
is boolean indicating the point should only be loaded into memory if it's requested by an application. Defaults to False.
DeviceID : string
is a string indicating the device the point is on
JustInTime : boolean
is a boolean used to enable or disable Just-In-Time. Note this is only available when this is a class Data Item comming from the Class configuration
PollAfterSetpoint : boolean
is boolean indicating if the point should be polled immediately after a setpoint. If False, the point is not polled until the next scheduled scan cycle
ScanRate : integer
is an integer indicating the scan rate of the point in multiples of the base scan rate of the communications port.
TriggerType : CimDeviceTriggerEnum
defines the trigger condition for a device point. See the Point Configuration documentation for additional information
TriggerValue : string
is variant containing the trigger value. Trigger value is used when specifying a CimDevicePoint.TriggerType relation that requires a value
UpdateCriteria : CimUpdateCriteriaEnum
defines update criterias available for device points. The particular types of update that are actually available depend on the device communication module being used
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DisplayFormat : string
is a string used to specify the display format for the point. DisplayFormat uses the "C" language format specifiers
DisplayLimitHigh : string
is a variant with a string representation of 10 characters or less. Larger values will be rejected. Display limits can be used as the animation limits when graphically displaying a point. Defaults to the empty string when creating a new point. To remove a limit set it to an empty string (e.g. "".)
DisplayLimitLow : string
is a variant with a string representation of 10 characters or less. Larger values will be rejected. Display limits can be used as the animation limits when graphically displaying a point. Defaults to the empty string when creating a new point. To remove a limit set it to an empty string (e.g. "".)
Elements : integer
is an integer containing the number of elements in the point. Defaults to 1 for new points
EngineeringUnits : CimEngineeringUnits
object contains the conversion information for converting a point from raw device units to real-world units. Conversion can either be linear or based on a conversion expression
EuExpression : string
is a string containing the equation used to convert the value from device units to engineering units. To use a custom expression you must first disable the linear conversion for the object. If the point is not read-only a reverse expression must be specified to allow a setpoint in engineering units to be translated back to device units. It is your responsibility to make sure these expressions yield the correct results
EuLabel : string
is a string containing the EuLabel. Note you cannot specify an EuLabel if using a measurement unit for the point
EuRevExp : string
is a string containing the equation used to convert the value from engineering units to device units. To use a custom expression you must first disable the linear conversion for the object. A forward expression must also be specified. It is your responsibility to make sure these expressions yield the correct results
HighConvValue : string
is a variant containing the high converted value used for linear conversion with a string representation of 10 characters or less. Larger values will be rejected. To use linear conversion you must set linear conversion to True
HighRawValue : string
is a variant containing the upper raw value used for linear conversion with a string representation of 10 characters or less. Larger values will be rejected. To use linear conversion you must set linear conversion to True
LinearConversion : boolean
is a boolean indicating if the conversion is linear or custom
LowConvValue : string
is a variant containing the low converted value used for linear conversion with a string representation of 10 characters or less. Larger values will be rejected. To use linear conversion you must set linear conversion to True.
LowRawValue : string
is a variant containing the low raw value used for linear conversion with a string representation of 10 characters or less. Larger values will be rejected. To use linear conversion you must set linear conversion to True.
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EnterprisePoint : boolean
is an boolean indicating if the point should be exported to an enterprise server. Defaults to False when creating a new point
EnumFields : Array[CimPointEnumField]
As an alternative to the EnumerationID all the fileds used for this point may be provided, and an enumeration for this point will be generated
Text : string
The Text property gets and sets the text of the point enum field.
Value : integer
The numeric value of the point enum field.
SetpointAllowed : boolean
The SetpointAllowed property gets and sets if a setpoint is allowed with this enum text for the point.
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EnumerationID : string
is a string indicating the Point Enumeration to be used for the point. Defaults to the empty string when creating a new point.
EuExists : boolean
is a boolean indicating if the point uses EU Conversion. Setting this to False will remove EU Conversion for the point. Setting this to True will enable EU Conversion for the point. Defaults to False for a new point
FirstOperandNum : number
is number that hlds the first (or left hand) side of the opperand if the value is to be treated as a number. Use CimClassDataItemExpression.FirstOperandString if your value is a string
FirstOperandString : string
is string that hlds the first (or left) hand side of the opperand. Use CimClassDataItemExpression.FirstOperandNum if your value is a number
ID : string
is a read only attribute that represents the ID of this expression
SecondOperandNum : number
is number that hlds the first (or left) hand side of the opperand if the value is to be treated as a number. Use CimClassDataItemExpression.SecondOperandString if your value is a string
SecondOperandString : string
is string that hlds the second (or right hand) side of the opperand. Use CimClassDataItemExpression.SecondOperandNum if your value is a number
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Extra : integer
is an integer representing the extra data for the point. Defaults to 0 when creating a new point
InvertAvailabilityTrigger : boolean
is a boolean used to enable or disable availability trigger value inversion for a point. Defaults to FALSE for a new point
Level : integer
is an integer representing the level for the point. Defaults to 0 when creating a new point
LogData : boolean
is a boolean value indicating whether the point is logged through the database logger default logging option (DATA_LOG). To log the point to a table other than the default, use the CimTable methods. Defaults to the false when creating a new point
LogDataHistorian : boolean
is a boolean value indicating whether the point is logged through Historian. Note The Historian OPC Interface option must be selected in the project properties. and the Historian client must be installed and configured. Defaults to the false when creating a new point
MeasurementUnitID : string
is a string indicating the Measurement Unit ID to be used for conversion of the point. Defaults to the empty string when creating a new point
UnitId : string
The string identifier of the measurement unit.
Description : string
Contains informative information about the measurement unit.
FullName : string
Contains the full name of the measurement unit such as ”hour” or ”meter per second”.
DisplayLabel : string
The display label of the measurement unit is typically the abbreviation of the measurement unit, for example ”h” for hour or ”m/s” for meter per second.
NamespaceUri : string
Identifies the organization (company, standards organization) that defines the measurement unit.
NumericUnitId : integer
Numeric identifier for programmatic evaluation. -1 is used if a unitId is not available.
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OPCUA_NodeID : string
is a read-only string containing the OPC UA NodeID for the point
PointAlarm : CimPointAlarm
object contains the point alarm information for a CIMPLICITY point
Alarm : CimAlarm
object provides an interface to CIMPLICITY Alarm configuration
AckTimeout : integer
is a long integer that indicates when automatic alarm acknowledgement should happen. Valid values are -1 - Immediate Acknowledgement 0 - No Automatic Acknowledgement (default) >0 - Number of minutes to wait before automatically acknowledging alarm
AlarmClass : string
is a string containing the class of the alarm
AlarmDescription : string
is a string containing the description of the alarm, This attribute shall be ignored in case of point alarm
AlarmID : string
is a string containing the Alarm ID. When accessed from a Point Alarm, this property is read-only because the Alarm ID is the same as the Point ID
AlarmMessage : string
is a string containing the alarm message. Note When accessed from a Point Alarm, this property is read-only because the structure of the point alarm message defines the alarm message
AlarmTypeID : string
is a string containing the alarm type id of the alarm. When accessed from a Point Alarm, this property is read-only because the structure of the point alarm message defines the Alarm Type Id
Changeapproval : CimChangeapprovalEnum
defines different change approval data setting. The numeric value of these enumerations can be used in an expression of a class data item for the $APPROVAL_TYPE field
HelpFileName : string
is a string containing the name of the alarm help file. The string must be prefixed with AM_HELP:\ in order for the file to be found by the alarm viewer and must have the extension HLP.
HiAckTimeout : integer
The CimAlarm.HiAckTimeout is a long integer that indicates when automatic alarm acknowledgement should happen while the alarm in the Warning High state. Valid values are -1 - Immediate Acknowledgement 0 - No Automatic Acknowledgement (default) >0 - Number of minutes to wait before automatically acknowledging alarm
HiHiAckTimeout : integer
The CimAlarm.HiHiAckTimeout is a long integer that indicates when automatic alarm acknowledgement should happen while the alarm in the Alarm High state. Valid values are -1 - Immediate Acknowledgement 0 - No Automatic Acknowledgement (default) >0 - Number of minutes to wait before automatically acknowledging alarm
HiHiLogOpt : string
The CimAlarm.HiHiLogOpt is a string that indicates what the alarm transitions in the Alarm High state should be logged. Valid characters are A - Log when acknowledged R - Log when reset D - Log when deleted G - Log when generated
HiHiRepeatTimeout : integer
is a long integer that indicates when automatic alarm repeat should occur while the alarm is in the Alarm High state. 0 - No Automatic Repeat (default) >0 - Number of minutes to wait before automatically repeating alarm
HiHiResetAllowed : boolean
is a boolean that indicates if the alarm can be manually reset when it is in the Alarm High state
HiHiResetTimeout : integer
The CimAlarm.HiHiResetTimeout is a long integer that indicates when automatic alarm reset should happen while the alarm in the Alarm High state. Valid values are -1 - Immediate reset 0 - No Automatic reset (default) >0 - Number of minutes to wait before automatically resetting alarm
HiLogOpt : string
The CimAlarm.HiLogOpt is a string that indicates what the alarm transitions in the Warning High state should be logged. Valid characters are A - Log when acknowledged R - Log when reset D - Log when deleted G - Log when generated
HiRepeatTimeout : integer
is a long integer that indicates when automatic alarm repeat should occur while the alarm is in the Warning High state. 0 - No Automatic Repeat (default) >0 - Number of minutes to wait before automatically repeating alarm
HiResetAllowed : boolean
is a boolean that indicates if the alarm can be manually reset when it is in the Warning High state
HiResetTimeout : integer
The CimAlarm.HiResetTimeout is a long integer that indicates when automatic alarm reset should happen while the alarm in the Warning High state. Valid values are -1 - Immediate reset 0 - No Automatic reset (default) >0 - Number of minutes to wait before automatically resetting alarm
LoAckTimeout : integer
is a long integer that indicates when automatic alarm acknowledgement should happen while the alarm in the Warning Low state. Valid values are -1 - Immediate Acknowledgement 0 - No Automatic Acknowledgement (default) >0 - Number of minutes to wait before automatically acknowledging alarm.
LoLoAckTimeout : integer
is a long integer that indicates when automatic alarm acknowledgement should happen while the alarm in the Alarm Low state. Valid values are -1 - Immediate Acknowledgement 0 - No Automatic Acknowledgement (default) >0 - Number of minutes to wait before automatically acknowledging alarm
LoLoLogOpt : string
is a string that indicates what the alarm transitions in the Alarm Low state should be logged. Valid characters are A - Log when acknowledged R - Log when reset D - Log when deleted G - Log when generated
LoLoRepeatTimeout : integer
is a long integer that indicates when automatic alarm repeat should occur while the alarm is in the Alarm Low state. 0 - No Automatic Repeat (default) >0 - Number of minutes to wait before automatically repeating alarm
LoLoResetAllowed : boolean
is a boolean that indicates if the alarm can be manually reset when it is in the Alarm Low state
LoLoResetTimeout : integer
The CimAlarm.LoLoResetTimeout is a long integer that indicates when automatic alarm reset should happen while the alarm in the Alarm Low state. Valid values are -1 - Immediate reset 0 - No Automatic reset (default) >0 - Number of minutes to wait before automatically resetting alarm
LoLogOpt : string
The CimAlarm.LoLogOpt is a string that indicates what the alarm transitions in the Warning Low state should be logged. Valid characters are A - Log when acknowledged R - Log when reset D - Log when deleted G - Log when generated
LoRepeatTimeout : integer
is a long integer that indicates when automatic alarm repeat should occur while the alarm is in the Warning Low state. 0 - No Automatic Repeat (default) >0 - Number of minutes to wait before automatically repeating alarm
LoResetAllowed : boolean
is a boolean that indicates if the alarm can be manually reset when it is in the Warning Low state
LoResetTimeout : integer
is a long integer that indicates when automatic alarm reset should happen while the alarm in the Warning Low state. Valid values are -1 - Immediate reset 0 - No Automatic reset (default) >0 - Number of minutes to wait before automatically resetting alarm
LogOpt : string
The CimAlarm.LogOpt is a string that indicates when the alarm should be logged. Valid characters are A - Log when acknowledged R - Log when reset D - Log when deleted G - Log when generated
MaxStacked : integer
is a long integer that indicates how many alarms to stack. Defaults to zero if not specified. Maximum value is 20
Published : boolean
is a boolean used to enable or disable publishing to SOA for an alarm. Defaults to FALSE for a new alarm
RepeatTimeout : integer
is a long integer that indicates when automatic alarm repeat should occur 0 - No Automatic Repeat (default) >0 - Number of minutes to wait before automatically repeating alarm
ResetAllowed : boolean
is a boolean that indicates if the alarm can be manually reset
ResetTimeout : integer
The CimAlarm.ResetTimeout is a long integer that indicates when automatic alarm reset should happen. Valid values are -1 - Immediate reset 0 - No Automatic reset (default) >0 - Number of minutes to wait before automatically resetting alarm
Routing : Array[string]
returns an object containing the alarm routing for the alarm
Severity : integer
is a short that indicates the alarm severity
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AlarmConfigured : boolean
is a boolean indicating if alarming is configured for the point
AlarmDelay : boolean
is a boolean indicating if the alarm generation should be delayed. When alarm delay is enabled specify the TimeInterval and TimeUnit for the delay. AlarmDelay cannot be used with a Rate of Change alarm criteria
AlarmHigh : string
contains a variant indicating the alarm high limit for the point
AlarmLow : string
contains a variant indicating the alarm low limit for the point
AlarmMessage : string
is a string containing the point alarm message to be used when an alarm is generated for the point
AlarmOffDelay : boolean
is a boolean indicating if the moving alarm to normal state should be delayed. When alarm off delay is enabled specify the TimeInterval and TimeUnit for the delay. AlarmOffDelay cannot be used with a Rate of Change alarm criteria
AlarmStrID : integer
is a integer containing the Alarm String to use when generating point alarms. Defaults to 1
AlarmValueUpdate : boolean
is a boolean indicating if the %VAL field in the alarm message should be updated while the point is in ana alarm state
DeviationPtID : string
is a string containing the name of the deviation point. The deviation point must be specified when the alarm criteria is cimAlarmDeviation
HiDelayInterval : string
is a variant containing a numeric value indicating the delay interval when alarm goes into the Warning High state
HiHiDelayInterval : string
is a variant containing a numeric value indicating the delay interval when alarm goes into the Alarm High state
HiHiOffDelayInterval : string
is a variant containing a numeric value indicating the delay interval when alarm goes from the Alarm High state to Normal state
HiOffDelayInterval : string
is a variant containing a numeric value indicating the delay interval when alarm goes from the Warning High state to Normal state
LoDelayInterval : string
is a variant containing a numeric value indicating the delay interval when alarm goes into the Warning Low state
LoLoDelayInterval : string
is a variant containing a numeric value indicating the delay interval when alarm goes into the Alarm Low state
LoLoOffDelayInterval : string
is a variant containing a numeric value indicating the delay interval when alarm goes from the Alarm Low state to Normal State
LoOffDelayInterval : string
is a variant containing a numeric value indicating the delay interval when alarm goes from the Warning Low state to Normal state
TimeInterval : string
is a variant containing a numeric value indicating the time interval when using a rate of change or alarm delay
WarningHigh : string
contains a variant indicating the warning high limit for the point
WarningLow : string
contains a variant indicating the warning low limit for the point
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PointID : string
is a string that contains the name of the point. Point ID's are truncated to 256 characters. Since this is the default property of the object, you can omit it when assigning or using it.
PointState : boolean
is a boolean used to enable or disable a point. When a point is disabled it is not collected from the device and is unavailable. The point is enabled when its point state is True, disabled when its point state is False. Defaults to True for new points
PointTypeID : string
is a string containing the Point Type of the Point. Any of the point types that are available in configuration can be used here such as UINT, USINT, INT, SINT, STRING_20, etc. Must be specified when creating a new point
Published : boolean
is a boolean used to enable or disable publishing to SOA for a point. Defaults to FALSE for a new point
RangeLimitHigh : string
is a variant with a string representation of 10 characters or less. Larger values will be rejected. Values below the low range limit and above the high range limit will cause the point to be unavailable. Defaults to the empty string when creating a new point. To remove a limit set it to an empty string (e.g. "".)
RangeLimitLow : string
is a variant with a string representation of 10 characters or less. Larger values will be rejected. Values below the low range limit and above the high range limit will cause the point to be unavailable. Defaults to the empty string when creating a new point. To remove a limit set it to an empty string (e.g. "".)
ReadOnly : boolean
is an boolean indicating if the point is read-only. Defaults to False for new points
ResourceID : string
is a string containing the Factory Resource associated with the point. Must be specified when creating a new point
SafetyPointID : string
is an string containing the name of the safety point. The status of a safety point controls whether or not a setpoint is permitted. If the value of the safety point is non-zero and available a setpoint will be permitted. Defaults to the empty string when creating a new point.
ScreenID : string
is a string indicating the CimView screen to be associated with the point. Defaults to the empty string when creating a new point
SetpointLimitHigh : string
is a variant representing the upper limit for a value when performing a setpoint action with a string representation of 10 characters or less. Larger values will be rejected. Defaults to the empty string when creating a new point. To remove a limit set it to an empty string (e.g. "".)
SetpointLimitLow : string
is a variant representing the lower limit for a value when performing a setpoint action with a string representation of 10 characters or less. Larger values will be rejected. Defaults to the empty string when creating a new point. To remove a limit set it to an empty string (e.g. "".)
TrendBuffering : CimTrendPtBuffer
object contains the trend point buffering information for a CIMPLICITY point
Duration : integer
is a long integer containing maximum age in seconds of a sample to keep
MaxBuffered : integer
is a long integer containing the maximum number of samples to keep
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TriggerCheckPointID : string
is an string containing the name of the availability trigger for the point. When the availability trigger is non-zero and available the point will be available, otherwise the point is unavailable. Defaults to the empty string when creating a new point
TriggerPointID : string
is a string indicating the name of the trigger point. Trigger points are valid only for device points and some derived points. When configured for a device point, the trigger point must be on the same device as the point you are defining. Defaults to the empty string when creating a new point
changeapproval : CimChangeapprovalEnum
defines different change approval data setting. The numeric value of these enumerations can be used in an expression of a class data item for the $APPROVAL_TYPE field
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OpcUaDeviceContexts : Array[CimOpcUaDeviceContext]
An array of objects to provide namespace information for the Opc Ua NodeIds for a each respective device.
DeviceId : string
The Id of the OPC UA device.
NamespaceUris : Array[string]
An array of URIs referenced by NodeIds or QualifiedNames in the request. NamespaceIndex 0 shall not be in this list. The first entry in this list is NamespaceIndex 1.
ServerUris : Array[string]
A list of URIs referenced by ExpandedNodeIds in the request. ServerIndex 0 shall not be in this list. The first entry in this list is ServerIndex 1.
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